Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

445 - Degree in Tourism

29128 - Tourism: Planning and Land Management

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29128 - Tourism: Planning and Land Management
Faculty / School:
177 - Escuela Universitaria de Turismo
445 - Degree in Tourism
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:

The procedure is based on the continued work of the student for attending lectures, participating in classes and accomplishment of both individual and group activities that promote understanding and knowledge listed in paragraph 5.2.

The ongoing work of students along with learning activities based on theoretical and attendance of practical sessions, in which will be presented and discussed issues related to the objectives and content of the subject, and where student participation will be promoted and encouraged. 

The division of students into two groups serve to carry out practical classes, in which they will apply the basic theoretical and practical concepts, (phases of planning, management models, real case studies on spatial planning of tourist towns, etc.) and managing geographic analysis tools, databases and thematic spatial data. These sessions will be encouraged to select the appropriate information and participate in group workshops.

The training activities will be interspersed with theoretical and practical sessions and practical classes, and others outside the classroom regarding potential visits, attending conferences or seminars that may be of interest to the student.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that the student is offered to help them achieve the expected results will include the following activities:

Theoretical and practical class attendance (30 hours)

The theoretical program is divided into the following topics: 

  • Topic 1. Introduction to Management and Territorial Planning of tourism.
  • Topic 2. Competences of tourism and territorial planning from a multi-scale perspective (Europe, National, Regional, Local).       
  • Topic 3. Methodological phases of the tourist territorial planning process.
  • Topic 4. Main techniques and instruments for territorial planning and tourism management. From EIA and Carrying Capacity to Geographical Information System (GIS) and Cartographic Design.
  • Topic 5. Territorial planning instruments in different tourist areas. Case Studies    
  • Topic 6. Brief Tourist Geography of Aragon. "A flight by its regions".      

Practical classes program and attendance (30 hours): Where the students will apply the concepts presented in the theoretical and practical sessions, and acquire skills to develop a territorial and tourism analysis. Tourist towns will be studied as real cases on territorial planning. Meanwhile, several of the practical sessions will be required to use applications for the use of cartographic displays, collection, representation and analysis of databases of spatial and thematic data, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), visualisation of aerial images, etc.

Scheduled tutorials (8 hours): Allow the teacher to track students answering questions or presenting their progress in this area. These will be included in the tutoring schedule to be indicated at the beginning of the course.

5.3. Syllabus

Distribution of the training activities of this subject 6 ECTS credits (150 hours) is as follows:



Attendance for theoretical classes


Attendance for practical classes


Attendance for tutorials


Preparation of teamwork


Field trips, information collection and treatment, etc.


Exam preparation


Conduct of examinations


5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule of sessions and presentation of work

Theoretical and practical calendar program and classroom activities

  • Item 1 - 1st and 2nd weeks of lessons.
  • Item 2 - 3rd and 5th week of lessons.
  • Item 3 - 5th and 12th week of lessons.
  • Item 4 - 12th and 13th week of lessons.

The program is indicative and may be modified. In any case scheduling of classroom activities, students will communicate on the Moodle platform.

Students benefiting from the system of continuous assessment will be tested for theoretical and practical assessment at the end of item 2 and item 4. Any activity, event or test is conveniently notified via the Moodle platform.

Non-contact activities program calendar

The practical work of the course will be explained in detail at the beginning of it, so that the student can investigate the matter and shape the knowledge and skills acquired accordingly.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]


BB Análisis territorial del turismo y planificación de destinos turísticos / J. Fernando Vera Rebollo (coord.) ; Francisco López Palomeque... [et al.] . Valencia : Tirant, D.L. 2011
BB Antón Clavé y González Reverte, F.. Planificación territorial del turismo . Barcelona: UOC, 2005
BB Bielza de Ory, Vicente...[]. De la ordenación a la planificación territorial estratégica en el ámbito regional-comarcal . 1ª ed. Zaragoza : Prensas Universitarias, 2011
BB Bouazza Ariño, Omar. Ordenacion del territorio y turismo : (un modelo de desarrollo sostenible del turismo desde la ordenación del territorio) . Barcelona : Atelier, 2006
BB Flores Ruiz, David. Manual de gestión de destinos turísticos. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2014
BB Ivars Baidal, J.A.. Planificación turística de los espacios regionales en España. . - 2010 Madrid: Sintesis
BB Ordenación y gestión del territorio turístico / David Blanquer (director) ... [et al.] . - [1a. ed.] Valencia : Tirant lo Blanch, 2002
BB Sola Teyssière, Javier. Ordenación territorial y urbanística de las zonas turísticas / Javier Sola Teyssière . - 2ª ed. Sevilla : Instituto Andaluz de Administración Pública, 2007
BC Gómez Orea, D. Ordenación territorial. 2007. Madrid: Mundi Prensa
BC Higueras Arnal, antonio ( dir.). Geografía de Aragón . Zaragoza : Guara, D.L. 1981-1984
BC Luque Gil, M.. Guía para el análisis de los recursos territoriales turísticos / Luque Gul, M. y Navarro jurado, E.. - 2012 Málaga: Universidad de Málaga
BC Pujadas, Romá. Ordenación y planificación territorial / Romà  Pujadas, Jaume Font . Madrid : Síntesis, D.L. 1998